May 11, 2011

My dog will not let me touch his paws or ears for cleaning/checking. How should I approach this issue?

Full Question:
Thanks for all previous advice.

I am learning marker training, I started not long after you wrote the new article around Oct last year I think it was but didn't quite get it and long story short only started the system again recently, the dog and I are now figuring it out and we both enjoy it, he is much more handler focused and its very cool to watch him offer behaviors, so thanks for the direction on that.

I have a question on nail clipping ear cleaning etc on dominant handler aggressive dogs.

My dog will not let me touch his paws or ears for cleaning/checking (if I force issue I know he will bite), I have tried marking my hand touching his paws and slowly adding time with my hand on paw with little success, he just knows were its going and is not interested in this game.

Do I continue this approach and just be more patient, or follow the advice I have been given below?

The dog trainer I am seeing has said that with some hard dominant dogs you just have to muzzle the dog and force the dog to let you do it.

Your thoughts please...

Kind Regards,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
You’re probably rushing things too much with marker training. Instead of trying to mark for touching paws, start by touching his leg in an area he doesn’t mind and work your way down slowly. It may take a long time, but it’s much better for the relationship than muzzling and force. Just my opinion.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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