May 11, 2011

Is it possible to be sufficiently aloof but still provide some form of training during Phase 1, or should this phase have absolutely limited interaction?

Full Question:
Dear Mr. Frawley,

Hello, I hope this message finds you doing well. I am writing with regard to Kona, a 7 month old female Vizsla my wife and I own. We clearly failed to establish pack structure with her. The situation now is that she she has had trouble with impulse control and often seems unable to calm herself. She also exhibits aggression toward the leash and sometimes her handler when on walks. This behavior is coupled with constant pulling and disregard for the handler.

Taking note of this behavior, we concluded we needed advice on establishing pack structure. We purchased your DVD on it, as well as the dominant and aggressive dog video. My question relates to the pack structure DVD.

As I understand it, Phase I begins with social isolation, including no eye contact, no toys, no lovey-dovey talk, no petting, and a lot of crate time. A few weeks ago (before buying your DVD), we started adding structure to Kona's day by placing her in the crate and only letting her out if we had something specific for her to do - walk, eat, potty, or play. However, you will note that we still let her play and petted her, etc -- we still gave her lots of potentially pack-elevating attention. Now, we are starting over and trying to be more aloof with her. However, as you probably know, Vizsla's seem to require a great deal of exercise. This has been difficult to provide, given her behavior problems on the leash. Thus, we have resorted to using both walks and mental exercises (that are designed to aid with impulse control) to give her the stress-relieving stimulation she seems to need. I should note that she has responded well to these exercises, in my inexperienced opinion. (We can place her favorite treats on the floor and she waits until we give the okay release to eat them.)

So, my question is this - is it possible to be sufficiently aloof but still provide some form of training (with food treats) during Phase 1, or should this phase have absolutely limited interaction (potty break, feeding, and aloof walks)? For instance, in your DVD, you teach owners how to introduce the crate to the dog, and how to walk them out the door, etc. These activities all involved you giving them praise (petting, vocal) and treats. Are these considered acceptable methods under Phase 1, or are they for use after Phase 1?

Thanks very much for your time. I hope one day Kona will, as you note in the video, sit calmly beside my desk in the morning as I finish my first cup of coffee.

Best regards,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
At 7 months old I would imagine your dog is not truly what I would consider a hard case for dominance/aggression. Most likely scenario is that she’s a wild child that was given too much freedom up until now. It’s a double edged sword with young, high energy dogs. You don’t want to be giving affection for no reason or be too demonstrative but I don’t feel there is anything wrong with giving her some verbal praise or a treat for following the rules.

If you haven’t explored marker training yet, I would highly recommend it. It’s wonderful to engage a dog’s mind.

The Power of Training Dogs with Markers DVD

I hope this helps.


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