May 11, 2011

I want to change my marker from a click to the word YES, how do I do that?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

My questions is, what if I've been using the clicking sound with my mouth as the marker, but want to change it to "yes." What is the best way to go about it or should I just stay with the clicking sound. It's that I feel that when we're at places where I need to get her focused, I want to call her in some way to get her attention. What do you suggest? Thank you in advance.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
If your dog already understands markers, then changing from a click to YES is not a problem. Merely start with a session of charging your new marker (YES) with something simple you know the dog will do. I’ve started a lot of dogs out with a clicker and switched them to a verbal marker quite easily.

I will caution you about using a marker word for anything other than marking a behavior. If you start using it merely to get her attention you will diminish the power of the system. Use some other way to get her attention, don’t use the marker for that. The mark is to ONLY MARK the exact moment she does something you like.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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