May 11, 2011

Do you use a shake can for training (a coke can with pennies in it)? Also, how do you teach the retrieve?

Full Question:

Here is my question. I know a lot of trainers use a coke can with pennies in it, to control their dogs in certain situations. I am new at training but i have a reservation about using this method. It seems to me it is a fear technique, and could break down trust in your relationship with your dog.

Some people would say it is no different than a collar correction, where the owner makes the dog uncomfortable or causes pain but to me there is a difference. I have a question about the retrieve also, do you use a ear pull in training the retrieve or is your retrieve totally motivational?

Thanks a lot,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I’ve never used a shake can. Since the invention of the ecollar I don’t see the need for it. If I need to reach my dog from a distance I’ll use the ecollar, not a shake can.

I use marker training for the retrieve.

The Power of Training Dogs with Markers

We will also be producing a DVD on the retrieve with Michael Ellis in the future. I do not use a force or correction based retrieve.

If you check out the streaming video section of our website you’ll see me using markers and free shaping to get one of my dogs to pick up a retrieve object.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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