May 13, 2011

We would like to adopt a new pup and leave it inside at night and out during the day. Will this effect her negatively?

Full Question:
Our 7-yr-old black lab passed away a month ago. We are thinking about adopting one of my brothers puppies. They are black lab and golden retriever mix. We would like to do inside at night and outside during the day (like our last dog). We have a 20' x 20' kennel. My only concern is if we do put her in there if it would have a negative effect on her behavior skills? Also how much time would you recomend for her to run around outside supervised? My husband and I really want another dog but we want to do it right. We are still debating on getting a puppy vers an older dog. Thanks for your help.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
There is nothing wrong with keeping a pup or dog outside part time and inside the rest of the time AS LONG as you are spending quality time with the dog when you can.

It’s not where the dog lives, but the training and structure you offer the dog.

If you go with a puppy, you will find a lot of good information here.

Make sure to read the Groundwork to becoming your Puppy’s pack leader article.

Best of luck to you!


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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