May 13, 2011

Our new pup seems to be afraid of everything. She wont nip at us, she just shakes if we come near her. Any advice would really help, if you can.

Full Question:
Hi Cindy. My name is Katrina. Recently, a couple of days ago, I bought a puppy from a lady. The puppy is a mini Aussie, 5 months old (in 4 days). I think I might have made a mistake.

When I picked her up (I drove 500 miles to get her), she seemed ok. A little scared, but I thought that was normal. Now that we are home, I don't think she was ever around humans before, except to get fed. She will not come to me with kisses or whistling, or anyone else. I put her in the house, and she hides from us and shakes. She wont eat or drink.

She doesn't even want to be around us. She wont lick us or respond at all to us except by hiding. But when we take her outside, she wont leave our side. If my 3 year old daughter goes out, she will stay by her. Same with my husband or myself.

She wants absolutely no physical contact with us. She wants to be left alone. I have another male mini Aussie, and he wasn't like that. They haven't been together yet, so I don't know how she will act to him. I just don't know what to do with her. She's such a beauty, but do you think I should take her back? What would you do?


P.S. I tried hot dogs and wet cat food and she wont even smell it. I sometimes wonder if she is deaf because she will not respond to sweet talk or anything. She wont nip at us, she just shakes if we come near her. Any advice would really help, if you can. I've searched the Site and can't find any articles regarding this.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
It sounds like this puppy is just very stressed. I would be practicing our groundwork program with her, to give her predictable structure and don’t put her in a position where she feels overwhelmed and intimidated.

I would NOT be actively trying to make friends with her, let her make the choice to approach. Whether this dog just has very low confidence or wasn’t ever socialized I would treat her with calm, quiet leadership and be aloof to her. I would never have her out of a crate without a leash on and I would keep her tethered to me at all times or in her crate. Go about your daily business with her attached to you, and let her get used to your presence and routines.

I don’t know what your goals are for this pup, but I would talk to the breeder and get their input as well as to whether this particular dog is a good fit for you. She may just take some additional time to settle in, but it would be worth a conversation with the breeder so they know what’s going on.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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