May 13, 2011

My dog takes food off the table and cupboard. Can you help?

Full Question:
My dog takes food off the table, cupboard and out of the garbage when we are not in the room. Can you help?
Ed Ed's Answer:
This is a simple problem. You simply place mouse traps under a piece of paper near the food that you leave as bait. Usually the dog will set the trap and never get snapped. Some dogs are especially pain resistant and care free. If they are large enough you can go up to a rat trap. That is seldom needed. Before I do that I usually take the paper away and leave the trap sitting out.

These traps are also very effective in keeping dogs off of furniture or even out of certain rooms where you don't want them to go. You start with the paper down and land mines under it (the mouse traps). Then gradually take the paper away. This system works almost all the time.

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