May 13, 2011

I can’t seem to teach my 2-year old Rott to jump in my truck. Can you give me some ideas?

Full Question:
Mr. Frawley

I have a 2 year old female rott, she is trained for basic obedience on and off leash, but there is one problem I have with her, I can not for the life of me get her to jump, all I am really wanting is for her to jump up into my truck, she loves going for rides and gets excited at the mention of the word "ride" but it is very annoying to have to lift this 130 lb k-9 every time, she has no problem getting out but going in all she will do is put her front paws on the seat then I have to lift her hind quarters up, do you know anyway possible for me to accomplish my goal here?

Ed Ed's Answer:
Have her hips x-rayed. Sounds like she may have dysplasia. Then you lift her in because she can't physically jump in.

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