May 13, 2011

My dog is doing well in obedience but 99% of the time, the dog will respond well to the correction but the other 1% of the time, it goes crazy. What can I do?

Full Question:
Dear Ed,

First thing I wanted to say is thank you for an excellent training aid. I recently purchased the Basic Obedience training video and found it to be an inspiration. Already my dog is doing the sit - stay (with level 6 distractions) on a thirty foot line after about a week of training.

I have one question. Normally when I issue a correction, the dog responds in the normal manner - I correct and then order the sit - stay command and 99% of the time there is no problem. The other 1% of the time, as I approach him to issue a correction he goes crazy - he begins jumping around and tugging at the leash and trying to escape - this is before a correction is given. This only lasts for 15 seconds or so.

Is it possible that I am correcting the dog too severely? I have listened to what you say in the video about not charging at the dog when he moves and I never do this. I approach calmly but occasionally he still goes crazy like this.

I use a prong collar for the training due to the lack of response when I used the choke collar - I couldn't get the reaction you got in the video with the choke but am able to do so with the prong.

Any help you can give would be appreciated.

Ed Ed's Answer:
You are correcting too hard and not praising enough. You need to issue constant praise. Walk up to the dog 10 times and praise the dog for every one time you walk up and correct him - so he does not look at you walking to him as a time to get his butt kicked - which is exactly what he sees it as right now.

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