May 13, 2011

I have a deaf dog and I have problems with her pulling me out of the card. I keep her on a leash but she is so wild. What can I do?

Full Question:

I have a deaf australian shepherd and she is really a good dog except she can't hear. So I keep her on a reel leash or a run line. Am afraid she will get hit by a car or truck as she can't hear traffic.

My problem is that when she gets out of the truck(on a reel leash) she takes off running so am wondering if a choke lease collar would be a training tool for her. She pulled me out of the truck onto the ground and am recovering from bruises. Did not beat the dog!

How can I train her without being mean to her. Need help. She is spayed and only 7 months old.

Ed Ed's Answer:
There is no reason a deaf dog cannot be obedience trained.

Get a PRONG COLLAR read about them on my web site.

If I had a deaf dog I would train it with food, hand signals and a prong collar. Later an electric collar. Some of the electric collars I sell have a vibrating buzzer that could be used in training.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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