May 13, 2011

We have a terrible neighbor who poisons dogs with anti-freeze. What can we do?

Full Question:
Hello Ed,

I have searched your site this evening trying to get help with training my shepard not to eat antifreeze. We have horrible neighbors that just poisoned another neighbors dog with it. Alex is just like one of our children. My husband has done some training under a man in Oklahoma City and purchased Maxwell Rude Von Raughlen a Rottweiler. ( I'm not sure the correct spelling). At any rate, when Max passed away we got Alex. He done some training with him but was unable to spend the amount of time to fully train him in all areas. He didn't want to (not sure what its called) but train him to only eat food from his bowl made by only he or I because we have kids who feed him also. He is wonderful and extremely cautious about food. He rarely takes treats from us rather he inspects first then slowly begins to eat. He has worked with him and Alex knows his boundaries but at times when our girls ride there bikes he goes with them. I am afraid these people who do not like any animals will do this to our dog. Not only would it break my heart its just pure cruel for any animal. My husband says we have to place it in front of him let him know the scent and very harshly reprimand him so he remembers its a bad thing. If there is any other "training" or ideas to help us it would be greatly appreciated. I realize you're busy but if you could help in anyway please let me know.

Ed Ed's Answer:
You will NEVER train this dog not eat anti-freeze. With that said your dog will not do this if he can not get on this mans property. So control your dog. Keep your dog in a dog kennel or a fenced yard. Do not let it go with your kids. They cannot control an adult Rott.

If you had to write me, you and your husband do not have the skill to poison proof your dog. It difficult for a professional, much less a novice.

I would have a friendly talk with my neighbor if I were you. I would tell him that I am doing everything I can to keep my dog safe on my property and as long as he did not poison my dog I would not burn down his house and car. People like this understand things more clearly when they fully understand the ramifications of their actions.

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