May 17, 2011

My 8 month old GSD fell in the pool. Can they swim naturally or must they be taught?

Full Question:
My 8 month German Shepherd accidentaly fell in my swimming and I had difficult time pulling him out of the pool. Can German Shepherds swimming and I had difficulty time pulling him out of the pool. Can German Shepherds swim naturally or must they be taught to swim. Thank you.

Ed Ed's Answer:
They can all swim – I have a pool and every one of our dogs is taught to swim to the steps and climb out. We carry them into the pool and release them about 3 or 4 feet from the steps and guide them to them. We gradually increase the distance and one or two times will let them struggle at the side where there is no steps – so they see they cannot get out and they quickly learn the only way out is the steps.

If you don’t have steps I don’t know what to tell you to do – other than don’t screw up again.

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