May 17, 2011

I'm trying to train my dog, but our cats are becoming a huge distraction because they all love to play together. Any suggestions?

Full Question:

We're doing really well with the training guides online and with the eBook. Our pup usually pees and poops when asked and when taken to the area we designated for this; however, two of our cats love more than anything to roll, tumble, wrestle and play with Jinx. When they are around, training is out the window! I have been just carrying Jinx back into the house to his crate and then trying peeing and pooping time again in about 20 minutes.

Walks are hard too. The cats have total freedom and I have very little control over their actions. They love to tag along on walks and when they run ahead, Jinx pulls on his leash. The good thing is I can use the cats playtime as a reward and he always comes on command when I decide playtime is over. Any suggestions?

Wendy and Jinx
Ed Ed's Answer:
This can be an aggravating problem, I know. We have some outdoor cats who love to show up when I am potty training a new puppy. If I can’t chase the cats off then I will use them as part of my daily training with my puppy.

Have you been using markers to work with Jinx? I would certainly do so, if not. Then use the cats as a distraction ON PURPOSE, and pull out the tastiest treats ever when he listens to you.

I would probably not allow Jinx to play with the cats at all right now, because that is a self rewarding activity. I want all rewards to come from ME. Later, when the training is really solid, then you can ease up and allow him to play with the cats, under supervision.

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