May 17, 2011

Do you think my dog would be a good canidate for a narc dog or some kind of work dog? Are there people who are not police officers who have work dogs?

Full Question:

I have a question for you, in January I bought a female German Shepherd, that I wanted to breed, she will be two years old this coming April 22nd. I usaully buy pups and then raise them and give the obiedence training myself as I am raising them. But for some reason or other this one caught my eye, and there seems to be something I believe is special about her. Her father's side isn't any thing magnificent, but on her mother's side she comes from a line, of German imports and some champion bloodline and many Narcotic K9 dogs. This dog has never been trained to do anything. Over the last couple of months I have taught her to walk on a leash, sit and lay down, were still working on the stay command. What I have noticed so different about her, is how eager she is to learn, and to please me. She is very quick and responsive, to the commands I have taught her, she is very high powered, along with super high gaurd. What I mean by that, is that she can not calm down, she is ready to do something, she's very hyper. She loves to fetch, she is not scared of anything. When I bring her in the house she won't lay down, she just runs around and sniffs everything, and she will even play hide and seek with her ball, she can find it were ever I put it. When she's not sure and seems to give up, when I start taping things she, starts to look for it again and finds is. This dog belonged to some people who didn't know much about dogs, and needing to get rid of her because they didn't know how to handle her, I bought her from them. Like I said she has along road a head of her when I comes to obedience. Since January, I have taught her to sit, laydown, come, no jump and to walk on a leash. She does all this with just about 20 minutes a day lessons over the last couple of months. So I know even though she got a late start she is still trainable, despite her age. I feel that she would be happier, if she had a job of some sort. I personally have no job for her really. I'm a mother of 4 that lives in a small residental area. What I was wondering is if, you thought from my description of her, if she would be a good canidate for a narc dog or some kind of work dog? Also, are there people who are not police officers who have work dogs, but loan them out to people who have a need for work dogs, so that the dog is happy doing what is was intended to do? Is it to late for her or to soon for her to start training for narc dogs? Please let me know, I value your opinion. Thank you.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
It’s not likely that a civilian with no dog training experience is going to be able to train a working dog that will be wanted by outside agencies.

I’d recommend you have fun with your dog, a dog is happy just using their mind and having time spent with them. To a dog, that IS a job.

We have a number of DVDs that will help you work with her and give her a channel for her energy.


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