May 17, 2011

When I start formally teaching the puppy, where should I teach her to heel? Also is it safe at any point to use a connector leash so that one leash controls 2 dogs?

Full Question:

I have a 7 year old Rescue Dutch Shepherd and a 15 week old Australian Cattle dog. I've never had two dogs at the same time before. Following your advice; they are getting along famously.

The Dutchie is good on walks (not a perfect "heeler" but stays by my left side and doesn't get ahead or behind). I haven't done any formal leash work with the pup but have taken her out on leash for socialization purposes.

At some point I will want to walk both dogs together and I have a question: When I start "formally" teaching the puppy should I teach her to heel to the right (so I have one dog on each side and in each hand), teach her to heel to my left and then have her stay to the right of the Dutchie (closer to me) or left side of the Dutchie?

Also is it safe at any point to use a connector leash so that one leash controls both dogs?

Thanks for any advice you can offer.


PS Enjoyed "8 weeks to 8 months" and just starting ""Basic Obedience." Keep up the good work.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Hi Roberta,

It’s really up to you how you set the dogs up. I walk both my dogs, one on each side. I find it’s much easier to control each one.

With that said, there are times that I walk both of them on the same side, like if I am on the bike trail with a lot of traffic it’s easier to keep them out of the way by putting them on the same side. I don’t usually use any connectors, because if I need to give a leash correction it’s impossible to do so with one of those. I use two individual leashes.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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