May 17, 2011

What are some good toys for drive building with my dog? Is a drive building toy different than a training toy?

Full Question:

What are your best drive building toys and are they different than your training toys. I don't like those tugs with a loop on one end because my dog tends to get to close to my hand. I like something that gives more space and distinction from my hand, like a ball on a rope. But this isn't a good drive building toy is it? What do you recommend ?

Thanks a lot,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I use many different toys for my dog, and there is no difference to me or my dog as to what they are. A training toy and a drive building toy are one and the same.

I like to mix it up, so my dog will play with me anywhere, with whatever item I happen to have. My dog should play with me and a plastic cup or pine cone if that's what I happen to have. Obviously, I'd rather use toys but my point is that if you get your dog used to playing with many different items it will become less about the toy and more about the interaction with you.

Also, it's a matter of training and how you present the tug as to how your dog targets it. This is going to be covered in detail in the newest Michael Ellis video. If the dog is getting too close to your hand, then you may be presenting the toy incorrectly. This will be released in the next several weeks, The Power of Playing Tug with Your Dog.

Some of the toys I use regularly are the following: but my dog may be more engaged with me than your dog is with you so your experiences may vary from mine.

Jute Rolls
Firehose Tug
Flat Leather Tug
Mini Tug

I hope this helps.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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