May 17, 2011

When I play tug with my dog he gets really excited and sometimes gets my hand. Can you give me any advice?

Full Question:
Hello Cindy,

I have a question about playing tug with my dog. When I play tug, he gets really excited which I like, but when he jumps up for the tug he swings his front legs at me. One at the hand holding the tug and one like he is trying to push my body away even when I hold the tug as far out as possible and when he does hit me with his paw it hurts. Also when I reward him with the tug he is fast and can jump rather high so there are times he gets close to getting my hand. Any advice you can give me would be great. Also I am saving to buy the tug DVDs you offer. Thank you for your time.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
You can search the website under the Q & A section; I believe your questions have been answered there. Really, the tug video will help you iron all this out. Explaining the technique you need to play tug correctly goes beyond the scope of an email.

I’d recommend The Power of Training Dogs with Food before you get the tug video, it will explain all the foundation work in Michael’s system.

You can try using the search function on the website to find the answer to any additional questions. It is located in the left hand corner of every page on our website. Simply type in your search terms or key words and you will be directed to articles, question & answers, free streaming videos and posts on our forum.

I hope this helps. Cindy

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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