May 17, 2011

We have a police K9 in our town. He barks at cars when he is at stop lights. We have two small dogs and when we walk out dogs he barks at them. Is this normal?

Full Question:
We have a police dog in our small town. My question is: Every time the police car drives around the corner of the intersection or is waiting for the red light to change the police dog is barking furiously at cars or people around him. Also we walk our two little dogs. One day the police car was parked across the street from where we were walking and the police dog started barking aggressively. Is this proper behavior in any of the cases?

Just curious,
Ed Ed's Answer:
Yes a lot of dogs do this. Barking does not hurt anything – biting hurts. As long as the dog is confined and secure then the only problem is that the officer may get sick of the barking. I know I did not like it.

But do not forget this saying that K9 handlers tell each other “WHEN PEOPLE NEED HELP THEY CALL THE POLICE – WHEN THE POLICE NEED HELP THEY CALL K9”

You sound critical of this dog here and I suggest that you take a different approach to this dog. I would suggest that if a burglar did a home invasion on your home you would be very happy to have the barking police dog show up at your door.

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