May 17, 2011

I have a very handler aggressive 2 year old Malinois. He just bit a child. Is there a boot camp I can send him to?

Full Question:
I have a 2 year old non neutered belgian malinois. He is 95 pounds and is very over aggressive. He is 75% narcotic trained. He just bit a child, not a sight I would ever want to have seen. Luckily he didn't break any skin, however he has become aggressive to a maximum. I don't want to get rid of him, but I have no choice. The only other option I have is to send him to some doggy boot camp. He follows my commands all the time, except we he is aggressive. The only way I would keep him is if I could put a baby on him back and the baby would not get killed.

Please help--Can you recommend someone in NY to speak to or do you know of such a doggy boot camp?

Ed Ed's Answer:
You are out of your league.

1. You are also 100% unrealistic. This dog is never going to be able to have a baby on its back. This is a little crazy to even think someone is going to do something to this dog to allow this to happen. If you get some do-gooder at a “doggy Day-Care or DOGGY BOOT CAMP” that tells you this – get it in writing and ask for a copy of their insurance policy because you are going to need it. Also make sure your insurance policy is paid and in effect. People who run these kinds of places don’t have a clue how to deal with this kind of aggression.

2. It is hard enough to deal with handler aggression without having to add a child factor into it. This can be done but my guess is that it is beyond your skill level – even if I explained the process.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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