April 15, 2011

I want to purchase an electric collar for my 12 pound dog. I need to quickly control his barking. What do you recommend?

Full Question:

I talked w/ Donna today and she requested that I write you for advice on which e-collar to purchase for my dog. Charley is a 15 month old miniature poodle, about 12 pounds. Charley is a an extremely active, athletic dog. We do a 3 or 4 mile run most days. He?s not aggressive, very social, a poodle, but a ?soft? dog, mild and loving most of the time. He?s probably the best dog I?ve ever had. I am working w/ Charley steadily on obedience training, aiming for trials for CD title in a few months.

We recently moved into new offices, and Charley comes to work w/ me. I had him in a sit-stay, in a restricted hall ,for training purposes, while I went to the men?s room. Normally he will sit silently for several minutes, but another dog on the floor below started barking, and Charley responded, which led to a complaint. I won?t leave him in that hall again, but will keep him in our office suite. Nevertheless, I need to be able to quickly control any barking.

He also barks when he sees other dogs outside, from his window perch at home, and I want to control that too. However I don?t want to go to an automatic bark collar, because he barks infrequently, and my wife likes a certain amount of the barking when a visitor appears at our house. I have resisted an e-collar before because I?m heading for competition obedience, and don?t want Charley dependent on it, but now I need to do something.

Donna said that both the Dogtra 280 and 1900 would be too large for Charley. She asked me to have you suggest a ?lap dog? e-collar. I hardly think of Charley as a lap dog, but I suppose size is the determining factor. What do you recommend?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I’m not a fan of using an electric collar to correct nuisance barking. The timing of the handler is almost never good enough or consistent enough to correct barking. I have found that using the bark collar is best because you don’t have to hover and wait for the dog to bark. The collar does it’s job much better than I could. If you want to allow the dog to bark at specific times, you simply don’t put the collar on. They figure it out quickly. This is how I handle my own dogs.

I only use the electric collar for training, not for punishing behaviors like barking.

If you need a collar for training, then I’d go with the Innotek Lap Dog trainer.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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