May 17, 2011

My dog sometimes growls at me when I clip his nails or pet him. Do you have any good articles on this subject?

Full Question:

I have a two year old Male not neutered german shepherd from working lines. He always mouthed me as a pup and never really liked being touched on the belly, feet, ears. Even though he didn't like it, I continued so he would get used to touching. I do all of your suggestions and also NILF and he listens to me for everything. Lately, he has started growling when I pick up his foot or try to clip his nails. I have your dominant dog collar and have corrected him until he stops and allows me to clip his nails. I am 200lbs and have given him some hard corrections and nothing works. Now it seems he is afraid of me and he will growl if he is lying on the floor and I come over to pet him. If I make him sit and pet him too long he might growl. I have increased his training and amount of exercise he gets daily.

I really don't know what else to do. I have watched your dominant dog video and it seems I have tried everything. Can you let me know where you have any good articles on this subject? I have searched your site but maybe missing good advice. I am getting conflicting advice from multiple dog trainers.

He never growls at anyone else, I can take his bone away or touch him when he is eating. If I call him over to pet him he is fine, it is when I tell him to sit or stay and then pet him is when he is growling at me.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Your dog is nervous about you, which is not a good thing.

Have you ever tried giving him a reason to allow you to cut his nails? Make him a partner in the process instead of using corrections? Don’t get me wrong, I will correct a dog when necessary but I don’t use corrections to teach.

I would read our article on training dogs with Markers and The Power of Training Dogs with Markers.

I’d also make sure you are being a firm but fair leader, and not a bully to him. Check out Pack Structure for the Family Pet.

Here is a free video that you may want to look at, Teaching the Collar Grab with Ed and Cindy. You can apply these principles to touching the feet, grabbing the collar, touching the ears, etc…

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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