May 18, 2011

Is there a such thing as a 'fear period' that puppies go through?

Full Question:
Is there a thing as a "fear period" that puppies go through or is it just a way to justify weak nerve? A six-month-old pup that has always been friendly and inquisitive all of a sudden-without any bad experiences becomes hesitant about meeting people. He still is inquisitive with things, but hesitates when meeting new people. Once he has met them and accepted them he is his old friendly self.

Ed Ed's Answer:
I don't really agree with this issue of a "fear period" at 9 or 10 weeks. I think this is a crock.

I do think that puppies can have difficult times when they are teething. They don't understand the pain that they experience and if they grab something with their mouth and get hurt, because of the teething, this can cause some temporary set backs. So the first thing to look at is the temperament before this time period. The tests I do at 8 weeks point out weak nerves. If these tests are OK as a young pup and the dog then has changes latter it may either be a health issue or it may have been a traumatizing event. Remember that pups are babies - just because they have good nerves and are environmentally sound - they can still develop problems if they are treated badly. This can happen with one incident.

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