May 18, 2011

I have a GSD that doesn’t want to bond with me. What can I do?

Full Question:
I was wondering if you could help me. I have a nine-week-old GSD pup that doesn't seem to want to bond w/ me. It never seeks out affection from me and only seems to tolerate being petted. She seems to be healthy and has a high prey drive. She only seems to want to bond with my grown mixed breed dog. He is a large very strong, Pit bull mix. She is not intimidated by him at all and will play rough with him and likes to bite him and pull on the skin under his throat. She only ways 14 lbs but plays with him really hard like he was just on of her littermates. I have read your piece on raising a hard pup and she seems to fit the bill.

I like her temperament except for the fact that she doesn't seem affectionate at all. She also seems unaffected by praise. To give you an example, if I squat down and talk to her in that pleasant High-pitched voice I usually talk to dogs with, when I am praising them, most pups I have seen, will approach me wagging their tail, She however just cocks her head and looks at me. She will boldly approach me if I have food.

She likes children and is outgoing and friendly with strangers. She is not at all fearful. I have separated her from my dog and am working with her with toys to get her to bond more, anything more I should be doing?

Ed Ed's Answer:
This is a simple problem. The problem is that the dog should be kept away from the other dog. It is becoming "DOGGIE." This means it’s more interesting in playing with the other dog than people. You need to keep the dogs in separate kennels or keep one crated while the other is out and loose.

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