May 18, 2011

My puppy has a submissive urination problem. When my husband goes near him he squats and pee, even if he has just come in from outside. What should I do?

Full Question:
I have been looking all over the internet and just found your site. WOW! You cover so much. I know it may be a while before you can answer me but if you can I would really appreciate it. We (myself, husband and 2 teenagers) just adopted a collie/shepherd 3-month-old puppy. He has been responding very well to the crate training and in just 2 weeks is "so far" housebroken. Our problem is that after a few days with us he has started this thing where he pees whenever my husband does anything with him. Even looking at him and talking to him in a calm voice causes him to pee. My husband is the only one he does this to. Should one of us show him this is wrong? Will he outgrow it? Please help. My husband is just devastated that he can't do anything with Keya because of this situation. We are at our wits end.

Thank you for any help that you can give us.
Ed Ed's Answer:
You totally ignore the dog when you come home, do not let guests bend over to pet the dog. When you do pet the dog get down on his level and pet him under the chin. This is less intimidating for him. These dogs almost always had outgrown this.

If you try and do any form of correction the problem will get worse and not go away. This is not an uncommon problem - it is just a phase that some dogs go through.

So have your husband ignore the dog and only pet it when the dog comes to him - not when he goes to the dog.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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