May 18, 2011

I will be going away for the weekend. My vet has a kennel and I can leave my young pup there. Will it effect my dog's training and development?

Full Question:
Hi Mr. Frawley:

First I want to say "Thank You" for sharing your extensive knowledge about dogs, particularly German Shepherds. I purchased my first GSD about a month ago (he's now 3 months) and I have applied many of your training techniques (either coincidentally on my own, or taken directly from your puppy video). He's turning into a wonderful family companion. I have to go out of town for a weekend (2 nights), and won't be able to take the puppy. My vet has kennel facilities, but I will have to leave him there for 3 nights due to the vet's office hours. He will be slightly over 4 months when I will have to leave him. The vet's office said they keep him inside at night, and put him out in a run during the day (similar his schedule at home). My questions is: Will he be too young to be left alone at a kennel facility, and will it hurt his training/development at that age?

Thank you again. I look forward to hearing from you.

Ed Ed's Answer:
I don't think it will hurt him - go to the vet during the middle of the day some time and ask if you can look at their dog runs - see how clean it is. Make this an unexpected trip - if they will not let you look - find another vet and another boarding kennel. Then tell the first vet why you did this.

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