May 18, 2011

My obedience class lets the dogs all run loose together at the end of class. Should I let my 6 month GSD loose as well?

Full Question:
Mr. Frawley,

I am in the process of training our 6 month old GSD with the use of positive reinforcement, prong collar and your training videos. In addition, we are attending an obedience class each Saturday. At the end of each session, anywhere from 10-20 dogs are allowed to run freely in a confined, secure area providing them with "dog socialization". I recently read the material on your site relating to dog parks and the injuries that may occur. My feeling is that I should not let our puppy engage with the other dogs in this situation. Please advise as to whether or not you see this as acceptable practice. Please note that our trainer is very experienced, with 7 well-trained, titled Shepherds. I recently read on your site that we should avoid this type of situation and instead spend the time with him alone. Please advise.

Thank you for the information that you provide to dog owners. We are fortunate to own a sweet, sociable, well-behaved dog who is on his way to being well-trained.

Ed Ed's Answer:
I would not be doing this - the risk is of another dog getting too aggressive with your puppy. Once a dog has been attacked by other dogs - most become dog aggressive for the rest of their life.

A better solution is to find an older dog that is 100% totally indifferent to puppies. This teaches the pup that other dogs have nothing to offer and all fun things come from the handler.

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