May 18, 2011

My 11 month old Schnoodle is terrified of the invisible fence. It's only been a week and she is scared, hence resulting in accidents in the house. Ideas?

Full Question:
I have an 11 month old Schnoodle. I'm a first time dog owner. I love my dog, but I really wanted to be able to 'let her out' and she would walk in the backyard and go to the bathroom. Therefore, I had the invisible fence installed. I should mention that before I installed the fence, I would take her out 3 times a day... in the morning, after work and before bed. I would walk with her after work and the other times take her in the backyard or to the curb.

Now that I installed the fence a week ago, she is tramatized. She ahs to be draged to the backyard or the front, and doesn't go to the bathroom there. (only if she is really desperate) She already had 2 accidents inside the house.

I am so sorry I did this fence. She is afraid to go outside, een without the special collar. I have to carry her over the flags and far from the property to get her to go. I find myself confining her to a small area in my house so she won't have an accident. I am afraid I did more harm than good.

I have tried taking her out with the leash and draging her around the property so she can see where it is ok to go, but sh is not feeling confortable enough to relax and maybe to pee... etc. I have been doing this several times a day since I had it installed a week ago. She is still not good with it. I used to leave her on a leash in the backyard and she would go, now she doesn't... what did I do? Was this a huge mistake?

How, if possible, can I get to the situation where I open the door and she goes out to do her business?

Please help,
Ed Ed's Answer:
When dogs are first introduced to the fence they will do this. It's normal. What you need to do is still continue to walk your dog – just like you used to. Only now the walks need to be on the street. You should have one spot that she leaves the fence – maybe it has to be in a car – then walk her and put her in the dog crate (if you are no using a dog crate – well that’s second mistake.

Read the article I wrote on house training. Also the Q&A on house training.

Back to the fencer. For a period of time – no one knows how long. The dog is going to sit on the back step. Leave her there. Sooner or later she will get bored and venture out.

Bottom line is your dealer should have gone through all of this.

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