May 18, 2011

The GSD I am waiting for is 4-weeks-old and the mother has disappeared. Should I take the puppy in now?

Full Question:

I have recently registered for the web board, but have not been approved and desperately need advice. The GSD I am waiting for is 4 weeks old and the mother has disappeared. The puppies are eating cat food (current owner is not a professional breeder, just a complete wastrel who happened to have a couple of GSD's) and drinking water and would probably survive but I am planning a raw diet. Should I take the puppy now before current owner ruins them or would more damage be done by premature adoption into human pack? Would taking two to allow them 4 more weeks of bonding be a better idea? I do not plan to raise two together, I would like to train according to your DVD's that I ordered, hoping for protection in the future, but I would return the second one at 8 weeks. I have printed the formula recipe for newborns already. Thank you in advance for your brutally honest answer.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I would walk away from this litter and find someone who is breeding quality dogs. You are setting yourself up for a lot of problems by taking on a dog from this so called breeder.

If they aren’t even responsible enough to know where the mother dog IS or to properly feed a litter, then I would doubt you are going to get correct temperament, health and drive from one of these puppies.

I know it’s sad for the puppies, but hopefully you will have your dog for 12+ years. I would think you would want to stack the odds of getting a quality dog in your favor.

Sorry if that’s not what you were asking, but I feel very strongly about this.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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