May 18, 2011

We brought our 4-month old home with both ears just fine but her left ear has flopped two days ago. Should we tape it?

Full Question:
Dear Friends,

I was so happy when I found your web site.

Our family recently expanded with a new member, our new "baby" GS puppy.She is beautiful and only four month's old.We love her so much, our Bella.

When we brought her home both of her ears are fine and our friends kept teasing us that we have a new "satellite" dish.But, we don't know what happened and her left ear 'flopped' two days ago.

Could you tell us if that is ok for now and when we should tape it? She is still teething and maybe we should wait couple more weeks.

Your web site helped my husband and me to calm down and stop freaking out about it and gave us hope that it could be fixed.We searched a lot of web sites but they never explained everything so nicely like you.

You web site is great and from now on we will check it all the time for any advice for our 'baby.'

Thanks so much
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
If the ears were up before, they should come back up when the teething is finished. Your puppy has most likely just started to lose her puppy teeth and it's normal for ears to become soft during this process.

You can refer to this article for help on when to tape the ears.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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