May 18, 2011

I have a pup that does not move when I try to take her for a walk. Sometimes she tries to run in the opposite direction. Should I correct her?

Full Question:
Hey Cindy,

I have combed over the website, but I have not found anything answering a specific question of mine. It seems that most folks are struggling with dogs that pull when they are taken on walks. In my situation, I have a nine week old mini daschund that does not move when I try to take her for a walk. I walk a few feet away from her, call her name, but she doesn't move. When I squat down, she immediately runs to me. I stand up and walk a few feet away, call her name? nothing! The bottom line is that if I am standing and walking, she is sitting. As soon as I bend down and call her, she runs to me.

Sometimes she tries to run in the opposite direction when I am standing. When she does this, I give her a little shake by the skin on the back of her neck. Is this an appropriate time to punish the dog, even if the punishment is pretty mild?

I appreciate any help you can give me,

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Why would you punish her? Punishment is not to be used for teaching. If you search our website for Puppy Walking on Leash you’ll find a lot of information. I would direct you to the search function in the upper left corner of the website

Your pup is a BABY and by going to her and shaking her by the scruff what are you teaching her? That you are a scary guy that walks up and shakes puppies! Expect her to continue to run the other way if you keep it up. If you continue with this you’ll damage any future relationship you’d like to have with her.

Think about this from her point of view. She’s a tiny baby dog, you are a big person. She’s more likely to come when you squat down, you’re less intimidating that way. Here are some articles and videos I recommend.

Read these articles called The Groundwork to Becoming Your Puppy’s Pack Leader and The Power of Training Dogs with Markers.

Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 8 Months DVD
The Power of Training Dogs with Markers DVD
Pack Structure for the Family Pet DVD

We have a whole puppy training section; please spend some time reading it for you and your pup’s sake.

If you are new to our website, you may be interested in taking a look at our weekly newsletter.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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