May 18, 2011

I'm concerned about my pup's ears. One is great and standing and moving very smoothly but the other one is not standing and has some limitations in its movements. What are your thoughts?

Full Question:
Hey Cindy,

I have a female German Shepherd dog (Eva). She's three and a half months old. Everything is ok with her except that I'm concerned about her ears. One of her ears is great and standing and moving very smoothly but the other one is not standing and has some limitations in its movements. Note: She had ear infection 1 month ago and that is finished now. But sometimes I notice too much pink color moving to red in her ears. I attached some of her pictures with this mail. I kindly ask you to give me your opinion about this matter as soon as possible. Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Those are totally normal puppy ears. Be ready for the ears to go up and down and all over the place until she’s done teething (usually around 6-7 months old). I would not worry about them at this point.

I would direct you to the search function in the upper left corner of the website for any additional questions you may have. If you type in your key words it will guide you to articles, Q & A’s and posts on our forum. German Shepherd ears will come up with a lot of info for you.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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