May 18, 2011

How do I socialize my puppy with other dogs since you advise no contact with strange dogs?

Full Question:

Firstly thank you for your amazingly informative website.

I am following your advice with my puppy but I have one question - you advise against dog parks and I completely agree, I find the atmosphere of dog parks potentially explosive and therefore quite unnerving. So how do I socialise my puppy if I cannot allow her to meet strange dogs?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Most people have the wrong idea about what socializing means when it comes to dogs. Socialization merely consists of exposing your dog to outside experiences, to be accepting, confident and tolerant. It doesn't mean your dog needs to actually interact with other dogs.

I take my dogs with me everywhere, but they don't interact with dogs from outside our family and I don't allow people from outside our family to pet, play with or interact with any of my dogs. They are neutral to dogs and neutral to strangers, which is the best possible behavior they could have in my experience. There is no reason for my dogs to be meeting strange dogs that may or may not be under control. I don't want my dogs thinking that every person they see is a treat or petting machine either.

I've raised my own dogs this way for years and it works out very well.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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