May 18, 2011

My 12 week old puppy has been fearful of steps and today she ignored my command to approach the steps. I need some advice on how to address this.

Full Question:
Hi Ed,

Wanted to thank you - I am a big fan of your website and DVD offerings.

I wanted to ask your opinion on a particular stumbling point I am having with my mastiff puppy who is now 12 weeks old. It is the steps, she seems afraid of them, and despite my coaxing with food markers refuses to follow a come command to follow me down them or even go to the top of them. Which until today, I've passed off as something she will overcome. However, it is becoming more and more apparent that she recognizes and obeys the come command in the house - with gusto (as I have been marker training come, sit and down) but refuses to come outside of the typical training period - like at the top of the stairs, or when we go outside (and she tries to lead me back in the house ) and refuses to come and follow me to go on a walk. Often a 1 or 2 collar correction works to redirect her, for the walk - but today she ignored the command to approach the stairs. I escalated the collar correction to a 4 and she yelped but still refused. Then a six correction made her cower back to the door and yelp so I stopped, waited and just picked her up placed her on the bottom step and had her navigate down.

I'd appreciate your advice on how you would address this, as I fear I'm messing it up.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
First of all, are they open steps? If so, they can be very intimidating and scary! I would NOT be using corrections for her. Correcting for fear is completely unfair and will destroy her ability to work through it. It will also destroy her trust in you as her leader.

Many puppies that will go up steps, will be afraid to come down so realize that going up and coming down are two very different things to a pup. Keep that in mind as you work with her.

I would get a VERY GOOD working knowledge of marker training, and work with her on things that build her confidence.

I’d recommend The Power of Training Dogs with Markers and The Power of Training Dogs with Food.

Don’t expect her to go up all the steps or come down all the steps. Whenever I’ve encountered a puppy that’s worried, I take her to the very LAST step and lure them with food. Most puppies can do ONE. Once she’s doing one with confidence, then carry her and ask her to do TWO steps. This may take 5 minutes or it may take a week. Don’t rush her or force her.

I’d start by teaching her to go up, because that tends to be easier for most dogs. Going down requires more coordination.

Use the same type of thinking when you take her outside on leash, no force. Make sure she’s really hungry when you work on these things or the food will have no value.

No more corrections for anything, but especially no corrections for being unsure. That will ruin a dog’s self esteem completely, maybe for life.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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