May 18, 2011

I read the new eBook on socializing. I desperately want to get my dog used to other dogs. What do you recommend?

Full Question:

First of all, thanks so much for always responding to my emails. I have another question concerning our 5 month old Cane Corso pup. I have read the new ebook on socializing. I desperately want to get him used to other dogs, but I don't know anyone else that either understands that way of thinking or has a dog suitable for doing so. What do you recommend if we don't know any dogs that would ignore our pup and not immediately try to play with him?

Also, I was out with him this week when we saw another puppy (who seemed to be acting very neutral and was not real close). Our pup first barked at him seemingly in a playful way, but he leaned out to catch the dog's scent and then barked again. This time his bark seemed more defensive but I can't be completely sure since he can sound pretty serious and ferocious when he is just playing. What should my reaction be if he does bark at another dog(when the other dog is not close) and it seems to be more defensive in nature?

Thanks so much for all you guys do, we would be lost on our own! We are going to get the competition tracking DVD soon and see how he does tracking. It seems like it would be really fun and I think he would really enjoy it.

Would it hurt for us to play hide and seek in the house with him at this point in time? Our house is pretty small.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I'd work more on getting your puppy engaged with you, so you are more interesting than anything in the environment. With a puppy of 5 months, I'd be redirecting him to me and playing with and interacting with me when he got distracted.

I would read our article on training dogs with Markers. I'd also recommend The Power of Training Dogs with Markers and The Power of Training Dogs with Food.

Playing hide and seek is a great game to play with dogs, I say go for it!


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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