May 18, 2011

I have some questions on socializing my GSD puppy. Can you help?

Full Question:
Dear Mr. Frawley,

I recently purchased and watched your DVDs, Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 8 Months and Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Pet. I also was on your website and read an e-book on socializing puppies. I am left with an unanswered question, which is why I am hoping you will respond to my e-mail.

I have a 17 week old female German Shepherd puppy. I purchased her at 8 weeks of age from a breeder in Ohio who also does a lot of work with breeding and training dogs for police agencies. My puppy is from 'East German' bloodlines and well recommended from the breeder.

My problem is this: the puppy appears to be 'head shy' of strangers. I have started walking her in town (a small town) and even after having people walking by give her a treat, when they attempt to pet her on the top of her head, she pulls back. After a couple seconds of them talking to her, she seems fine but never really takes to being petted by them. However she never has had her tail between her legs. Today she did bark at two women who were talking to her.

I have taken her to my children's school almost every day that I have owned her (except for one week when I was sick). She seems fine with the children (other than wanting to jump on them), but will occasionally get like I described above and is like that with some of the adults there.

I have five children, ages 7 - 15. She is fine with them - except she does try jumping a lot, especially with the 7 and 9 year olds. She is fine with my husband for the most part, but would prefer to be with me (I am a stay at home mom) as I am with her the most. We also have a 2 year old West Highland White terrier that she is fine with, but I mostly keep separated as they play fight almost constantly when together.

My question is this: given her breed, is this behavior something to be concerned with? I feel I am spending most of my day trying to 'socialize' her (between taking her out for walks and to the school and basic work as described in your DVD). Do you have any suggestions or thoughts on how I should proceed? Last Saturday she started a 'puppy kindergarten' class that appears to have the same philosophy as you. The trainer is certified. She seems to think the puppy will be fine - she said that's how German Shepherds are. However I would like your opinion based on any information I can give you, I am trying to prevent anything from getting out of control before it's too late. My fear is that I may have waited too long.

Any input is much appreciated.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Why are you encouraging people to touch your puppy? Why are you having strangers give your dog treats? If you read this, our definition of socializing does not include allowing non family members to touch or feed our dogs.

I’d recommend re-reading the article. By putting your puppy in the position of having people touch her, you are likely to create a problem where there doesn’t need to be one. She’s clearly not interested in being touched by other adults, so be a good pack leader and offer her leadership and guidance and keep people out of her space.

You have been doing the opposite of what we recommend with your puppy.


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