May 18, 2011

My 15 week old puppy gets diarrhea when I give her hot dogs or other treats. What can I give her?

Full Question:

I would like to ask you a question about my dog. I don't know if it is okay with you but I need your experience. I have a dog who is 15 weeks old and I don't know why, but when she eat a lot of protein like hot dog sausage for treat or other treat, my dog have diarrhea few hours later. Do you know why or what can I give for my dog for treat? The vet. don't know why and she's only thinking the dog have fragile intestine. My dog is a female Amstaff.

I will appreciate a lot your answer and I thank you for your products. I have made 2 command and your products is a very good quality.

I wish you a good day.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
It may be that some of the ingredients in hot dogs or other treats are the problem, not the actual protein.

I’ve had good luck using boiled chicken breast for dogs with sensitive stomachs. You can cook a number of chicken breasts, cut into small pieces and then store in the freezer for future use.

We have a short video on the website about high value food rewards for dogs. This may help too.

Cindy Rhodes
User Response:
Hi Cindy,

I am a big fan and avid reader of your site and newsletters, and I just couldn’t help but comment on one of the featured question/answers from yesterday.

For the person with the 15 week old Amstaff, I agree that it is probably the ingredients. To take it a step further though, what you really have to watch out for is these types of food (hot dogs, sausage etc…) tend to have onion or onion powder in them, which can be very toxic to dogs from what I understand. Especially in a small, young pup it doesn’t take much to make them sick. I just thought it might be helpful to pass that along… Onion and onion powder are in more things than I ever would have thought.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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