April 19, 2011

My 2 young dogs bark every time they see us walk in front of the window at night. What can we do to stop this behavior?

Full Question:
First of all, thanks for your email advice from your last note. We did have our pups checked for worms, and sure enough, they had them Since treatment our male pup's energy has gone up noticeably. He is now enjoying the ball-on-a-string game.

Here's my question: Our pups are pretty quiet most of the day and night, but sometimes during the evening they start a barking fit loud enough to wake the dead. They can see us moving inside our house in the evening as we pass in front of the windows. The problem is amplified when we have the windows open and they can hear us and smell us even better. We don't know the best way to stop the barking.

If we ignore them, they will eventually quit, but I'd rather not be woken up every time the cat passes in front of the windows. If we shout "NO" or "HUSH" through the open windows they can hear us. But that doesn't keep them quiet for long. If we go outside and give them a correction for barking, I'm afraid that they will learn never to bark at night, even at a stranger. Plus I'll be hopping up like a frog all evening to go outside and administer discipline.If I put a bark collar on them at night, then they will learn not to bark at all, and then when Mr. Bad Guy comes up to our house at night, then they won't say a woof.

I will not train these dogs in protection, because I'm honest enough to admit that I'm a novice trainer. I would at least like the dogs to react with a stout fit of barking if a stranger would approach. I don't want to kill their barking instinct.

Would you please advise me how to handle this?

Thank you in advance for your help. I know you are in demand so I appreciate your time.

Ed Ed's Answer:
You are un-realistic in your approach to dogs. As a pet owner one needs to make an effort to understand the inherent drives and temperaments of dogs. You do not seem to have made the effort.

1. Dogs should not be raised together. They need to be separated.
2. Dogs bark like this because they are lacking attention.
3. My advice is to go down to one dog, spend some time with the dog training it. You may find that the dog quits barking if you bring the dog into the house and use a dog crate.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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