May 19, 2011

We just adopted a 5-6 month old GSD. She is very shy and timid. How can we gain her trust and bond with her?

Full Question:
We just adopted a GS who is probably About 5-6 mos. Old. She was a stray and had lived with a family for a couple of months and they wanted to give her up to a good home because they already had 2 dogs. We've only had her a day, but we want to start out right. She is very shy and timid. We finally coaxed her into her crate and now she won't come out. She has always lived outside. We would like for her to live inside with us and our other dog who is a 5 yr. old mix breed. We have a collar on her and a leash just to get her used to it, but even with a small tug, she won't come out. I don't want to drag her out. We are going to get some treats like your website says, and use those as rewards for coming in and out of her crate. I don't know if she was mistreated sometime, or if she is just weak nerved, or if its just because she doesn't really know us or where she is. How can we gain her trust and bond with her? We have your video on obedience and are going to send it in for the new DVD (we loaned it out, and just have to get it back). Until then, any advice will help. Thanks!

Ed Ed's Answer:
Have patience with this dog. Try pieces of hot dog tossed in the crate to get her to go inside. Feed her in the crate.

Read the article I wrote titled TRAINING WITH MARKERS. Dogs like this respond to that – in fact you may want to use clickers with her. GET THE NEW DVD on Basic Dog Obedience – it will help a lot – its got all new information.

If you have to drag her out, then give her food and mark it as soon as she comes out.

You may want to read the article I wrote on GROUND WORK BEFORE OBEDIENCE TRAINING. If this were my dog this is how I would handle her but not until she had been here for a week or so in the crate. Let her get REAL BORED in the crate so she is happy to come out. In the beginning don’t do any interaction inside – even though you eventually want a house dog – all of your interaction should be outside – when she comes inside she should go in the crate.

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