May 19, 2011

I live in the country and there are many drop-offs. Many counties in this state don't have shelters. What are your thoughts on doing what's right?

Full Question:
Hi Ed,

I have great respect for your knowledge on dogs and am learning much from your articles and DVDs.

Since I moved to TN to care for my elderly mother 3 years ago, I have acquired over 40 drop-off dogs and various other animals. We live in the country and needless to say there are many drop-offs (abandoned, abused and/or starved) in this economically depressed area. Many of the counties here have no shelters, including this one. And the lack of education, exposure and willingness to grow, combined with local corruption make it all the more challenging.

I am an animal lover through and through and want to give each one a chance, but the fact remains I, along with a handful of other like-minded rescue people, am swimming hard to stay afloat on many levels. I'm on Petfinder, advertise in the papers, the vet sends people my way and I even went twice to a truck stop with puppies (not my normal m.o.). I try to train and make adoptable all of the animals and your information helps me here, but there are some animals that remain 'not the best' pet-types for most people.

I have tried to come to terms with putting some to sleep but after doing that once, I just can't do it again. I just can't put a perfectly good animal to sleep. Whether they're adoptable or not though, it's very hard to find GOOD homes for these little souls.

What thoughts do you have on the rescuing of animals to help me do what's right?

P.S. Last week I acquired an 18 month old, high-energy Red Husky / Akita mix (I think) who is extremely dog-aggressive and disrespectful to me. He's even bitten 'towards' me when walking by another kennel dog (I raised his feet off the ground until his legs became weak and he did a little better).

I have your 'Basic Dog Obedience' and 'Aggressive and Dominant Dogs' DVDs and have sent off for your dominant collar but am using a chain choker in the meantime. He absolutely continues to pull even when snapped and with his wind cut He has had at least 3 previous owners who neglected him (from not knowing how to handle him I imagine). He needs much training but I think he's worth it. Do I just keep at it?

Thank you for make this world a little smarter when it comes to canines,
Ed Ed's Answer:
I do have empathy for you and I hope you can make this work.

In our county we had an asshole drag a dog down the road by a rope and kill it. He was arrested and part of his sentence was to donate $5,000 to build a no kill shelter (this was many years ago). It has grown because of people like yourself.

I guess I would start a community / county fund raiser or awareness program. Not everyone in the county is poor and sometime well to do families will sympathize like you do.

Find a lawyer who will donate money to start a non-profit organization, then open a bank account where there is oversight on how the money is spent. When people see that the money is not being ripped off they come together. I would keep a web site up - showing how much money has been collected and list the things it was spent on.

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