May 19, 2011

I have in the last 2 weeks taken in a rescue Aussie. I'm not sure what else I can do to get her to trust me and be a normal dog. Suggestions?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I have in the last 2 weeks taken in a rescue Aussie, I have my own Aussies. She was purchased at auction by Aussie rescue and was a puppy mill mom for an unknown amount of time. She is totally un social, doesn't care for or want attention. If given her own choice she would lay in a crate or dog house forever and not move. But I don't want that for her I want to at least make her secure or trust a little. Everyday it's like the first day she has seen me she cowers, ducks the collar which has to be a choke etc since she lives to get away and will any chance she gets. When I'm working with her inside she is panting like a marathon from stress, but I have made tiny progress in she will take a piece of cheese from my hand. What else can I do to help this dog? We take walks, she interacts through the fence with my other Aussies but if I let her out with any she runs away. I haven't been allowing her to do what she wants. I stop her from pulling, I go out the door first,etc. I treat her just like my others she gets a bath I use the blow dryer she gets brushed what little coat she has. The only thing she does now that is any different from day one is, if I put her in her kennel and walk away now she barks. Any suggestions?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I think that if I had a dog like this, I would only feed her from my hand. She would take all of her meals directly from me. I would continue with all the other things you are doing and let her adjust to her new situation. Adult dogs can take a while to settle in even when they come from a stable upbringing, with dogs like this you just have to be patient and let them make the choice themselves to become interactive with you. By manipulating food you can make yourself more important to her, without forcing yourself on her.

You can’t make a dog trust you and you can’t make a dog feel secure.

You just need to show her clear calm leadership and let her make the steps to want a relationship. If you haven’t already read this article, I would suggest it.

Once she will reliably take food from you, I would start marker training with her. Read the article titled Training With Markers.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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