May 19, 2011

We adopted a new dog, he’s bonded with my wife but he runs away from me. How can I win his trust?

Full Question:
Dear Cindy,

My wife and I have just adopted a rescue dog named Trouble. He is a 6 year old toy poodle. We also have another 4 year old toy. Trouble has bonded with my wife. He seems to be very cautious towards men. He is very scared of me and runs when ever I go near him. I keep a happy tone of voice when ever I speak to him. How do I gain his trust?
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I think you would benefit from watching this free 3 part video on fearful dogs & puppies.

Fear Period In Young Dogs - Part 1
Fear Period In Young Dogs - Part 2
Fear Period In Young Dogs - Part 3

I’d also make sure Trouble was ALWAYS on a leash so he can’t run away. You need to break the pattern. Don’t pay any attention to him at all, don’t look at him, don’t try to buddy up… you should be taking him on some walks and things of that nature but be aloof. Your wife needs to make sure she doesn’t undermine this by babying him or holding him. He’ll be a much happier and more balanced dog if he can relax in your home.

Start with our groundwork program. People tend to drag their feet on this work with little dogs, because they are small and cute but they need this just like a German Shepherd or Lab would. Pack structure is universal, no matter the breed.

I’d also recommend Pack Structure for the Family Pet.

I hope this helps.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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