April 12, 2011

When going around in circles for 'Into My Arms,' after the first time, my dog doesn't want to go in a circle anymore. Should I try a prong collar?

Full Question:
Hi Ed,

When going around in circles for "Into My Arms," after the first time, my dog doesn't want to go in a circle anymore, so he lays down and tries to chew the tug. Then I take it away from him. Should I put a prong collar on him when he lays down and have him come and go around in a circle then come "Into my arms"? He has a flat buckle on now and when I pop the leash it doesn't get his attention at all.
Ed Ed's Answer:
There is a better way to train the dog to engage with you. What you really want is for the dog to learn that the tug is only fun when you are playing with it. This is a trained response. There is a step by step process to accomplishing this that is outlined in my DVDs with Michael Ellis.

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