May 20, 2011

What is the best thing I can buy to get my puppy engaged with me?

Full Question:
Thank you Cindy for replying to my previous message. I purchased three of the six DVDs (puppy 8 weeks/months and both power of training with food & markers) you suggested and the training equipment/toys.

They have been great!!! I love them and have learned a lot. The Power of Training with Markers is fantastic, but the one with Training with Food, wow! Fantastic, Michael had me realize I needed to put the brakes on my training and spend more time on engagement. I am also planning to attend Michael's Puppy Development Course in January. What do you think?

I called this afternoon and spoke with Ashley and ordered another item. I had a question and she suggested I email you about it. My question is, what do you have available that focuses on working with your dog to establish full engagement so that later training can be much easier and more successful?

From viewing the video thus far, I realize that that is the first step. Like I mentioned before, the goal with my dog is to have her as a family pet and personal protection dog. If you were to suggest some steps to take what would they be?

There is so much information in the majority of the two videos I've watched and so full of information that it can really be overwhelming. This is my first dog and I know my personality. According to my wife I can go overboard and am fearful that I may be asking so much of my puppy so soon. Frankly, I am afraid she is right. My GSD just turned 4 months, how do I determine when and what to move from when it comes to training her?

Lastly, my wife keeps telling me I sound more like Mr. Frawley when I play with my girl. I also enjoyed your marker training with Mr. Frawley.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Engagement isn't established overnight, and your puppy is very young. I'd be using the food right now, because she's going to be teething for the next couple of months. I think going to Michael's school is a great idea.

The best thing we have to work on engagement is the video you already have. You haven't had the video very long, so I believe you are being a bit impatient and trying to rush your puppy.

You'll know when to move on when your pup shows you by her behavior, this isn't something I can explain in an email. Dog training is about learning to recognize these things in your dog and adjust your training accordingly.

Slow down and go back and watch the engagement sections of the video as many times as you need to, hurrying through the steps won't do anything positive for your progress.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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