May 20, 2011

My 1 1/2 year old, male GDS is on a raw diet. Is there a training treat that you prefer to use? So far I've just used string cheese or boiled chicken. Thanks for any suggestions!

Full Question:
Hi Cindy

Love your website. It's very helpful and interesting to read. You guys are very busy and devoted to your dogs; that's why I hate to bother you with such a trivial question...But! I see on your website that you have several training treats available to purchase. My 1 1/2 year old, male GDS is on a raw diet. Is there a training treat that you prefer to use? So far I've just used string cheese or boiled chicken. We purchased the DVD package that contains the marker training, playing tug and training w/food and are anxious to start. Thanks for any suggestions!

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I rotate treats, depending on what I’m working on and which dog I’m working with.

All my dogs are different, high value treats for my puppy won’t be touched by my 3 year old dog.

We have a video on treats on this page and our favorites are marked above each product.

What matters is what your dog’s favorites are though. I use 3 or 4 different treats in every training session, it seems to keep my dogs really interested because they aren’t sure WHAT they are going to get. I break up our larger treats like the See Spot Smile and Plato, because they are too big to be used in marker training.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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