May 20, 2011

I have a few questions on engagement, can you help?

Full Question:
Hi Ed and Cindy. Thank you for all the help.

I have a question about engagement. I wish I could just buy the DVD: The Power of Training Dogs with Food, but I just cannot afford it right now.

My question is: what am I looking for in my dog when he is engaged? Will he be focused on me and me only even in new environments? Or does engagement mean that he will cooperate just enough so that I can teach him a new position even though he may be a little distracted?

And also I am so sorry but one more question.

Do I just take my dog into different and new environments and just feed him treats until he gets engaged? Or am I missing the point? Because I always kind of thought that it was about taking him in new environments and showing him that he can learn in a new environment by me showing him different obedience positions.

But I'm not too sure about it. It would be greatly appreciated if you can answer this e-mail. Thank you very much for all the information on your website.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I'm afraid it's too complicated to explain in an email. You are more than welcome to search our site and our streaming video section for more information on engagement. There are a lot of free streaming videos at the link I posted.

Engagement is the foundation of ALL dog training, it's the most important step. The Power of Training Dogs with Food is 3 hours and 45 minutes long and I can't possibly explain engagement in an email (even though I wish I had the time and skill to do that).

You may want to join our forum too.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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