May 20, 2011

What's you opinion...our breeder always follows the latest recommendations from UC Davis & the American Animal Hospitals Assoc, etc. when recommending vaccinations.

Full Question:
Hi again, Cindy,

Speaking of vaccinations, what's you opinion...our breeder always follows the latest recommendations from UC Davis & the American Animal Hospitals Assoc, etc. when she recommends vaccinations. At age 1 we did the puppy shot booster DA2PP, and then every 3 yrs., which is where we are now, we should do it again. And since we take our dogs with us everywhere, she suggests Bordetella every 6 mos. and Leptospirosis every 6 mos. since we live in the country with horses, cows, etc. Do you agree?
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
We don’t believe in vaccinations at all. Our dogs go everywhere with us also, and many of mine have never had a vaccination at all. I would rather fight a disease I know, than battle with the inevitable damage the vaccine will cause. This is not a choice I made overnight or take lightly.

We won’t sell our dogs to people who insist on vaccinations, we feel so strongly about this.

Good health doesn’t come in the form of an injection; it’s from a strong immune system, clean air, exercise and appropriate raw food.

I would recommend these 2 books, Shock to the System and Vaccine Guide for Dogs & Cats.

For more information on natural health care and homeopathic treatment of your dogs (and cats), I highly recommend Homeopathic Care for Cats & Dogs and Natural Health for Dogs and Cats.

If you haven’t read the vaccinosis article I sent you last evening, I would recommend it. It will explain our thoughts on this.

It’s a personal choice, on how to care for your dogs. We have made our decisions based on years of breeding dogs, and my involvement in the veterinary field (for many years).

There are risks involved with everything in life, I have chosen to go the most natural route I can with our dogs and I believe our dogs’ health and happiness has much improved as we are into our 2nd and 3rd generations of raw fed, vaccine free dogs.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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