May 20, 2011

How do you get away with not having to give Rabies vaccine? Is it not mandated in your area?

Full Question:

I have been sitting here reading your emails from people regarding vaccinations. I have had many pets die in the past after living to be only 5 to 7 years old, and I truly believe they were over vaccinated. Anyway, here is my question, how do you get away with not having to give Rabies vaccine? Is it not mandated in your area? I have 2 GSD's and I feed them a raw diet and I do NOT plan to give them any more vaccinations but I KNOW the vet is gonna pressure me but my main thing is I will not let them make me give the annual boosters but I don't know how I can get away with no rabies vaccination. I do not give them any heartworm/flea stuff either. I have a vet appt today because I found a lump on my one GSD and need to have it looked at and the first thing out of her mouth when I called was "oh, she's due for everything" and I said "not today....I want to see what's wrong with her....I am not vaccinating my sick dog" (ok she doesn't feel she isn't really "sick" but you know what I mean). I know I am going to have to give in at some point and get the rabies vaccine but wondered if you give your dogs it or how you get away with not giving it.

Thanks, I LOVE your web site.... MUCH info! AND I have bought lots of stuff!

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I believe Rabies is required by law in all states, and the best advice I can give about that is to make your own decisions about if you want to avoid the vaccine or do it as infrequently as possible. This is one of those things where I will advise that you weigh the pros and cons for your situation.

Rabies is the ONLY vaccine required by law, so if a vet tries to bully you into getting those by saying they are required then I would walk out of that vets office and never come back.

We have a list of vets that has been compiled by our customers and you can see it here. We are providing this list as a service; please do your own research into any health care provider you choose for your dogs.


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