May 20, 2011

What proof do you have that you no longer need to vaccinate your pets for diseases? Do you have a vet that can back that up?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I just switched my dogs to Honest Kitchen. I was searching around the internet to find more information about the diet, what to add, etc and came across the video on your website. It was a good video I just have one question what proof do you have that you no longer need to vaccinate your pets for diseases? Do you have a vet that can back that up? It up sets me b/c being in the veterinary profession, telling people they don't have to vaccinate b/c of diet is miss leading! I do understand that there are pets out there for reasons that can not be vaccinated b/c of reactions or serious health problems. But to say feeding a diet will protect them is not correct! If some didn't vaccinate their pet b/c of this video are you going to take the responsibility and pay for their pet's medical bill. I normally would never say anything about something I saw on the internet, but people now a days believe everything they see on the internet. I have seen to many pet's of all ages die b/c of parvo, or kennel cough that has turned into pneumonia b/c their breeder or they say on the internet that pet's don't need vaccines. I really think that you should consider altering the video or but some kind of disclaimer on it that people should talk to their vet before not vaccinating anymore.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to your response.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Do you have proof that my dogs need vaccinations? I might suggest you do a Google search on Dr. Schultz of the University of WI, Madison. He’s a veterinary immunologist. His work is changing vaccine protocols among vets that choose to educate themselves. No where do we say that customers don’t need to vaccinate due to diet, you are misunderstanding. Everyone that writes to me is told to do their own research and make their own choices.

I suggest that people should learn about all the options and make the choice that works best for them and their situation. This includes questioning their vet, especially a vet that recommends yearly vaccines. Personally, we don’t vaccinate anymore. You won’t ever convince me that good health comes in the form of an injection. I worked as a vet tech in a traditional vet practice for many years, and saw the effects of vaccines and overuse of antibiotics and drugs and commercial diets. In my experience a strong immune system, appropriate diet, clean air and water, regular exercise and avoiding chemicals and toxins are the key to good health. There is no magic bullet to a healthy dog but I would rather fight a disease that I know than inject a vaccine into my animals and then try to treat the damage from that vaccine. I am willing to take the risk, and I know how to treat and care for critically sick animals. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, because years ago I was a vaccine advocate too. I’ve been on both sides of the argument and since I switched my dogs to a raw diet and cut out the drugs and vaccines they rarely get sick. They don’t get hot spots, they don’t get ear infections. No more thyroid issues, allergies or dentals needed. We take dogs to the vet for progesterone tests, hip xrays or injuries… not for the nagging chronic issues that many people feel are normal parts of owning dogs. We don’t get yearly vaccines for our whole life, yet people have their pets vaccinated year after year without question. Think about it.

I would direct you to the search function in the upper left corner of the website for any additional questions you may have. If you type in your key words it will guide you to articles, Q & A’s and posts on our forum. There is a lot of discussion on this topic.


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