May 20, 2011

I am getting a pup which I will be using as a working cadaver dog, but I have been doing lots of research on whether I should get any vaccines for him. I had a few questions...

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I am getting a German Shepherd pup which I will be using as a working cadaver dog and possibly do some bitework with him as soon as he ages up some, but I have been doing lots of research on whether I should get any vaccines for him and I'm leaning toward not because of all the issues that can arise from them. I found your web site and it was full of good information on the subject, and I just had a few questions for you, if you have some time. This dog will be exposed to other dogs/puppies early on and I have a little concern for the chance of him getting something like parvo, do you think I need to be, is it worth the risk of getting the vaccine at all? Also, what do you do or use for tick prevention? Since part of his job will be in very wooded areas where ticks will be aplenty I was curious as to your stance on that matter. And what about Heartworm? It's hard to find a good opinion on these things and it seems you have done this for a while and I really would enjoy hearing your thoughts on the matter. Thanks again so much.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
As with anything like this you need to weight the risks and benefits to whatever decision you make. I can't tell you whether or not you should or shouldn't vaccinate.

There is always a risk of pups coming down with parvo, vaccinated or not. I choose not to vaccinate my own dogs, because I'm confident that I can care for them as competently (or more so) than a vet should they become ill.

Common sense plays a role too, not taking a pup to places like Pet Supermarkets, vets offices, dog parks or other areas where large number of questionably healthy dogs congregate is a part of it.

We have a number of good books on the topic, if you go to this link and scroll down to nutrition and health you will find them.

The same goes for heartworm prevention and tick prevention. Research the risk in your part of the country. We have a low incidence of heartworm here but lots of ticks.

I choose natural preventatives whenever possible and don't just blindly follow advice given by vets and pharmaceutical companies.

If you search on heartworm and ticks on our website, you'll find a lot of information. The search function is in the left hand top corner.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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