May 20, 2011

I wanted to learn how to teach Schutzhund to my dog, but am having many problems trying to bond with him? Any suggestions?

Full Question:
I have attended 2 different schools to become a dog trainer. Basic Obedience, behavior and scent work.

Somehow I got involved in schutzhund and I like it a lot. I like challenge. So not knowing anything about the sport, my husband decided that we should buy a green dog from Slovakia and he would be my challenge and my project to achieve. My husband is from Slovakia. He found this gorgeous dog Donnie with an incredible pedigree. It cost me money. The entire time I knew I did not want a green dog to teach a sport that I knew nothing about. But my husband is the type that he knows it all and he is always right.

We brought the dog to USA. We came very close to losing the dog because of transportation problems with the airlines and customs.

Anyway we are here. I gave him several months to adjust. I had to learn the commands in Slovak. But that is all I was able to learn.

I tried to bond with the dog but it was not happening. I kept telling that to my husband but he kept saying that it was not true.

A year later I am still trying to bond with the dog. Finally I had to turn him over to my husband. He speaks the language and somehow Donnie responds to him much better.

The problem is that my husband does not know how to train, only from what he watches from us and others.

This coming August, Donnie will be with us for 3 years. I have spent so much money (my personal money) to find good trainers to help us, buying DVD's , traveling long distances to find someone to help us with the protection work and whatever I can do to make something out of this dog.

One of my desperate attempts was to board him with a trainer that supposedly was training for 25 years.

Donnie was suppose to stay with the trainer for 3 months in order to get his BH.

My husband did not like what he was seeing so he went and brought Donnie home after one month. What I learned later is that this trainer breaks the dogs down the first month using hard compulsion and then he rebuilds them again to listen to him. Since Donnie was pulled out after a month he was never rebuilt. I still do not know for sure if this is what is causing us to have all the problems we are having today with Donnie.

Donnie is extremely intelligent. Now he is to the point that he will do a couple of exercises and go and sit under a tree and watch. He will never fight for his rights. For example if the one of my other dogs takes the ball or the tag, Donnie will not go to try to get it.

Donnie does not listen. When called to come he will come when he is ready. When my husband raises his voice then Donnie goes into a panic mode. The only thing I personally do with Donnie is play with him and taking him tracking.

He does very good tracking. I let my husband do the work but it is not looking good.

I wish I could bond with the dog and be able to work with him. I am consistent, I have a plan, I read, I research and not afraid to ask. I have another dog that he will not work for any one else other than me. I know I can train.

There is a lot more to it than just what I wrote but I do not want take up all your time. I just wanted to give you a very small picture of what I am faced with every day. We have purchased several of Ed Frawley's DVD's. Great information.

I am just so lost and worried on how we will be able to make Donnie be happy, be exited to come out and work, have fun.

I can write in more detail if you think you need more information.

Thank you

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
It sounds to me like a relationship problem, and the fact that this dog does not see you as a leader. It also may be that the dog does not have the nerve, temperament or drive for the work you wish to do with him. Not all GSD's have the ability to do all 3 phases of schutzhund.

The only thing I can suggest is that you need to make a fresh start with the dog, and if you wish to train him, have your husband turn the dog over to you and let the two of you bond.

The only way to do this is to re-structure Donnie’s life completely. You need to become the focus of his day to day life. The great thing about dogs is that you can start over with them at any time, dogs don’t live in the past. They live in the here and now…

I would suggest you stop training and start working on a relationship with the dog and see where it takes you.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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